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Jeff Keesler

Jeff Keesler has worked in a variety of roles in his planning career, starting with AARP helping Michigan communities plan to become Age-Friendly Communities. Jeff has been with our West Michigan office in Grand Rapids since 2022 and has been involved in projects such as, Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance updates, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, and helping communities plan for recreation and transportation options, and many others. Jeff brings a fresh approach to planning and zoning and is always willing to help communities shape their future, the ways that are best for them. Jeff has a detailed understanding of planning and zoning processes and the best practices that make land use entitlement processes efficient and effective. Jeff is also author of, “Play Ball: The Impact of Small-Market Baseball Teams in the U.S.”

Jeff holds a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Michigan State University.

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