To build off the success of the City’s 2040 Master Land Use Plan, McKenna continued to assist Eastpointe by acquiring a transportation equity grant from the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) to conduct a Strategic Corridor Plan along 9 Mile Avenue. The corridor study spanned from the western boundary of Eastpointe with the City of Warren to the eastern boundary with the City of St. Clair Shores, with the intention of ensuring safe and accessible roadways for pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, and public transit uses.
McKenna assisted Eastpointe in developing a strategic action plan, with zoning ordinance recommendations, to outline the most effective interventions to incentivize future redevelopment efforts along the corridor. One critical aspect of the corridor plan was to connect with those who may have traditionally been left out of the planning process; in a grassroots fashion, McKenna worked alongside a diversity of residents, business owners, and stakeholders to design a functional streetscape that would not only center on progressive green infrastructure, but would reprioritize the safety for pedestrians, bicyclist, and public transit riders along 9 Mile Avenue.
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